So we all know that rumour that apparently exercise is good for you
But what are the hidden benefits of exercising?

1. Confidence
I'm pretty sure, nearly everyone has struggled with confidence at some point...for some it's a constant battle!
I can't tell you enough how much lifting weight boosts your confidence - knowing your body + the amazing things it can do really gives you a new found appreciation for this chunk of flesh we've been gifted! You gain a new found confidence in your daily life knowing you're a well oiled machine of pure sass!
2. Vital signs
Something none of us really think/care about...your vitals! Think heart rate, blood pressure, hormones, cholesterol etc etc...
Exercise improves/normalises all of these! Using your body enables it to bring these numbers into 'normal' ranges (excluding major health conditions obviously).
3. Stress
Stress is a silent killer
The effect that chronic low level stress has on the body is untold. It's a cascade that sets off bad habits, poor sleep + any other nervous tendancies we may have.
Exercising can really help us detach from the stress in our lives + get that essential reset we need!
There you have it, 3 benefits of exercising you may not have thought about! It's not just about that #summerbod
