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4 House-hold Chemicals I'll Never Use Again...
How big is YOUR chemical load? And what is it doing to your health?

Low Impact Training
We all know how to crush a workout & end up dying on the floor. What's understated is Low Impact Training A much more sustainable,...

Monthly Fitness Focus
We all need a little direction...right? So let's aim for a monthly fitness focus to keep us all on the straight & narrow! This month:...

Choosing the right gym
With so much choice out there & every single one claiming they're the best, how do you choose the right gym?!

What you don't need for the gym...
You've probably got a massive long list of things you need before you can finally start your fitness journey... Elite level activewear...

5 Superfoods for Women
Hands up if you love food! Hands up if you love a good superfood! Same. But what are some Superfoods specifically suited to women? Let's...

Savoury Breakfast Ideas
We could all use an extra portion of veggies... But there's only so many carrots you can cram into your lunch, only so many handfuls of...

My 3 Favourite Core Exercises
We all want that bangin core don't we.. But do we know why we want it? There's so much more to having a strong core than getting...

What Is The Best Time
Now just like anything, we are all different! This is also true for what time of day we like to hit the gym - some of us are morning...

‌How to use MyFitnessPal effectively!
Hands up if you've use Myfitnesspal for 2 days, got obsessed + overwhelmed then given up? While it's a super useful app that I love, I...

3 Ways To Shift Your Body Composition
Shifted the weight but now you want to see some muscle? Or just wanting to drop that last bit of fat? This is usually the case once...

Why I never 'diet'...
We have around 100 years with our body (yay us!) so WHY would we think we can either: • Spend those 100 years the same shape + size •...

Why I completely cut out Vegetable Oils
If I asked you to check everything you ate for: • Sunflower oil • Rapeseed oil • Vegetable oil You'd be horrified Ever heard the saying...

Healthy ways to get your dose of chocolate this Easter...
It's almost that delicious time of year again, the one we half dread, half live for...chocolate egg season!! No matter how many times you...

How do you score on the wellness test?!
We are A QUARTER of the way through 2024 That. Is. Madness..... So now would be the ideal time to check in with our wellness, never mind...

3 Benefits of Lifting you didn't think about...
So we all know that rumour that apparently exercise is good for you But what are the hidden benefits of exercising? 1. Confidence I'm...

Here's why your posture sucks...
SING IT WITH ME: My neck, my back, my posture is absolutely whack Almost everyone *even you dear reader* has some form of postural...

If I had to pick 3 exercises FOREVER
Much like our biscuit preferences, we all have our favourite (+ least favourite) exercises! BUT WHICH, I hear you cry, is the best...

The most unpopular truth...
Cover your ears gals, I'm about to drop a truth bomb.... YOU CAN'T OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET I'm sorry, but it's true! But wait...what do I...

Why February is the new January...
Every year we do the same thing...smash them choccies at Christmas right up until th 31st...then we pretend we're going to overhaul our e...

How to drop fat + keep muscle!
I hear ya! DON'T WE ALL... It's like the dream, unfortunately...It's easier said than done. To maintain muscle, you need calories, to...

How to gym on a budget!
We'd all like to be in our best shape, but a lot of people's first barriers is cost... "I would but I can't afford a trainer..." "I wish...

Don't fall into this New Year trap...
I see you...feeling guilty about enjoying yourself over Christmas...feel like you've lost all your progress...well stop! The Christmas...

Why your BMI is bullsh*t
Much like ironing clothes, I don't get why we still use BMI as a measure of our health?! Are we still listening to MP3 players? We still...
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