Picture it...You pull your freshly washed fave jumper out the dryer & give it a big ol' whiff...
You take in that familiar orange blossom, vanilla, fresh meadow, unicorn glitter scent from that sweet new detergent you bought....Delicious.
Know what's really happening though? All those synthetic chemicals wafting up your nose are actually called Volitile Organic Compounds (VOCs) - which usually contains acetaldehyde & benzene, both classified as carcinogens. Yummy, least you smell good right?
We've been washing clothes for as long as humans have been wearing them, it's only in the last 80 or so years we've been adamant our clothes need to smell like a daisy's footprint. There are tonnes of natural ways to wash your clothes.
Here's a link to one of my favourite natural detergents: Miniml Detergent - PlasticFreedom
Next up: Cosmetics
When I say I truly think we can bin this, I mean it...PERFUME - my god. Can we please stop?
Nature is full of amazing smells, back in the day, we used our natural scents as a way of communicating - we could quite literally sniff out the bad guys! (google pheromones).
Somewhere along the way, the marketing got to us & here we are...dousing ourselves in harmful chemicals so we don't get bullied by the cool kids.
So why am I trying to banish perfume?
Endocrine Disruption
Many fragrances contain phthalates. Phthalates are known endocrine disruptors, potentially interfering with hormone function & leading to reproductive health issues. Studies have linked phthalate exposure to decreased fertility, birth defects, & other reproductive concerns.* Amazing...
Carcinogenic Potential
Some fragrance ingredients have been associated with cancer risks. For instance, certain musks & parabens used in perfumes have been identified as potential carcinogens.*Yay...
Neurological Effects
Fragrance exposure has been linked to neurological symptoms, including migraines & dizziness. A significant portion of the population reports health issues like headaches & respiratory difficulties in response to fragranced products.*Â Who doesn't love a chemical induced migrane?!
How about trying a natural perfume instead, which, in my opinion, doesn't smell like burning skittles: Tenth Muse Solid Perfume
Next on the agenda: Cleaning products
If you're a self confessed clean freak then I hate to inform you, your chemical load is probably off the charts.
The list of offences is highly similar to washing powders, however formaldehyde being the star of the show with cleaning products. You breathe tonnes of this good stuff in every time you use these chemicals. Formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen - seriously why do we do this to ourselves?!
Instead try the natural alternatives:
Neat Washing up liquid
Finally: PLASTIC
I've rang this bell many a time but I'll do it again! Plastic plastic everywhere & all of it bad for all of us. Bad for the planet, bad for turtles & bad for you my friend...
Look at your day to day...Kettle? Plastic...Kitchen cookware?...Plastic....Lunch Box? Plastic....Drinks bottle? Plastic...Takeaway Coffee Cup?...P L A S T I C
Your exposure to plastic is astronomical - we are literally topping history with our exposure, nevermind the turtles, we're jamming a metaphorical straw up our own noses with this stuff.
I won't repeat myself with the risks: known endocrine disruptor & carcinogen blah blah blah - it's bad & I believe it's a huge part of why we are seeing so many fertility & health issues with our plastic obsessed generation.
Some easy, health boosting swaps:
Stop sacrificing your health in the name of convienience or cost! Your chemical load takes a huge toll on your overall health as hard as it may seem to grasp. It's highly likely that some of the issues you experience day to day are down to the stress you put your body through exposing it to everday chemicals.
I hope you found this blog post informative! I'm not coming from a place of judgement but rather a place of love. We all deserve full health & it winds me up to see us all falling prey to clever marketing & the trap of convienience.
If you decide to use any of the links above just know you're deciding to support yet another wonderful small business as well as choosing your health above a big corporate business who put your well-being on the back burner!
