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The most unpopular truth...

Cover your ears gals, I'm about to drop a truth bomb....


I'm sorry, but it's true! But wait...what do I mean by "bad diet"?

This can mean any or all of the following:

  • Restricting

  • Bingeing

  • Overeating

  • Undereating

  • Irregular Eating

  • Excessive drinking

I'm not saying you need to eat 100% clean, never enjoy food + be that person at every social gathering, no no...

I'm saying, until you prioritise eating in a regular, varied + healthy manner, you won't see the results you want!

Our bodies love to know when sustenance is coming, it likes to be sure that calories are on the way! Otherwise, things go haywire. If we are constantly restricting or forgetting to eat until 3pm,your hormones will wage a holy war!

So what do we need to do? To put it simply...routine.

If your body is in a routine, it can manage energy levels + hormones properly.

  • Breakfast

  • Lunch

  • Dinner

3 meals with snacks in any lengthy period between them!

It sounds counterintuitive but overeating + bingeing can be a habitual result of restricting. Picture this day:

  • 8am bowl of cereal

  • 6 hours at the desk no food/break

  • 2pm starving you reach for a sandwich + bag of crisps

  • 4 more hours at work you arrive home

  • It's not 6pm you're again super hungry + now tired

  • The result being you binge on the easiest to obtain food you can (spoiler its junk food)

Repeat this 5 days a week + you have a new deeply ingrained habit of bingeing!

Sound familiar? If you need help establishing healthier habits when it comes to food follow this link to my nutrition packages + ways I can help!


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