We all have 10 minutes...invest yours in yourself.
Here we have 2 circuits, a gym based one + an at home circuit.
Perfect on their own or use them as a finisher, a warm up, however you like. If you want more of a burn, make it AMRAP 15 or even 20!
Complete each movement before moving onto the next. All the movements = 1 Round. Challenge yourself to see how many rounds you can fit into your chosen time domain (10, 15 or 20 minutes).
Gym circuit
AMRAP 10 (as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes)
12 Calories Ski Erg or Rower
10 Dbl Dumbell Press
5 Single Leg V-ups
Home Circuit
AMRAP 10 (as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes)
10 Jumping Lunges
10 Butterfly Sit Ups
8 Hand Release Push Ups
5 Burpees
Record how many rounds you get when the clock hits 10 minutes!
Don't forget to tag @wildwomen_fitness in your videos of you giving it a go.

Teaching Points For Movements:
DBL Dumbell Press: Starting with dumbells on the shoulders, front rack position. Brace the core, dip down bending your legs slightly. Drive out of the bottom using the momentum of your legs to send the weights up. Lock the arms out overhead. That's 1 rep.
Single Leg V-ups: Starting on your back, press the lower back into the ground + engage the core. Begin to crunch up, simultaneously bringing one leg to meet you half way (this leg should be completley straight). Return to the floor, that's 1 rep.
Jumping Lunges: Same as above but with more power out of the bottom. Try to only use the rear foot for stabilisation. If you struggle with balance in this movement try a wider stance. Think "Train Tracks not Tightrope"
Butterfly Sit Ups: Almost identical to regular sit ups, except you bring your heels to you glutes with the soles of your feet touching (similar to sitting cross-legged). When you sit up, touch the hands infront of the feet, that's 1 rep.
Hand Release Push Ups: A great alternative to conventional push ups. Start in the top of a push up, lower your body all the way to the floor, keeping the core engaged + pelvis tucked the whole way down. Release the hands to touch them overhead. Return them to your pressing position + push back up into a push up.
Burpees: Start standing, begin by jumping the feet back to high plank. Lower your body to the floor, ensuring the chest touches the floor. From here, either jump or step the feet in + return to standing. Jump to reach, that's 1 rep.