Forgive me if I'm repeating myself but...
I am 100% into the fact that working out is good for you - however, for me, why you're working out makes all the difference...
I see it so often, people wanting to change from a place of disliking themselves. A place of negativity, discontent or saddness! And honestly, it hurts my soul!

I'm talking somewhere along the lines of "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"...
If you've worked up the courage to initiate real change in your life, I want you to celebrate that! Instead of thinking "I'm X,Y,Z - I need to change immediately" make it positive.
Alternatives to negative mindchatter:
I hate how I look - I want to look like her
I'm ready to feel better in myself & become my best self.
I'll be happy when this part of me changes...
I love my body & its unique traits, I look forward to seeing my new shape!
I just want to weigh...
I understand that body composition is so much more than a number on the scales.
There's so much more to training than how you look. Training purely for aesthetics takes
s o l o n g - I train almost entirely for how I feel...The boost I get from training is the most invaluable part!
So lets ditch the negativity & wrap ourselves in a warm blanket of self loveeee - you don't have to love how you look to love yourself. But you do need to respect yourself!
