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You don't drink enough water.

And before you say it...

Tea doesn't count

Coffee doesn't count

Squash doesn't count

Anything that isn't the earth's glorious plain water... Doesn't count.

Why does hydration matter?

Just a few minor reasons we should stay hydrated;

To regulate body temperature

Keep joints lubricated

Prevent infections

Deliver nutrients to cells

Keep organs functioning know, the fun stuff.

If you train, it's even more important; studies suggest we lose 1-2 litres per hour when exercising!

Exercising when dehydrated can caused elevated core temperature + heart rate, as well as a lack of electrolytes delivered to your muscles all of which adversely affect performance.

Want to be a beast in the gym? Start being a beast at hydration first!

Dehydration + DOMS

Dehydrated muscles = sore muscles.

Water aids the removal of waste products + reduces the pain of sore muscles.

Finally, being hydrated improves sleep quality + mood.


Hydrated body = happy body

Now go drink some water + thank me later.


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