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How many reps should I be doing?

We all do it, get geared up, head to the gym + think....wait how many reps should I be doing?

I'll just do 5 of everything.

Well my friends, there's no right or wrong amount of reps, but it does depend on your goals.

Programming is based off what we call 'The Power Pyramid'...

From the bottom it goes;

Stability, Endurance, Hypertrophy, Strength, + finally Power.

Each section of the power pyramid has its own amount of reps, sets + rest periods for that particular training aim. Stability + endurance is where we all start, with higher reps + lower weights, chances are we're beyond that.

Most of us want to change how we look, to be more lean, otherwise known as Hyperthrophy.

If this sounds like your training aim, then you might want to stick to these parameters;

6-12 reps

3-4 sets

70-85% of 1RM

1-2 minutes rest

It can look like any of the following;

Squats - 4 sets, 8 reps, 1:30 rest between sets

Strict Press - 3 sets, 10 reps, 2 minutes rest between sets

If strength is your aim, these are your numbers;

3-6 reps

4-5 sets

85-90% of 1RM

2-4 minutes rest

Examples are;

Squat clean - 4 sets, 8 reps, 3 minutes rest between sets

Squats - 5 sets, 3 reps, 3 minutes rest between sets

Sticking to rep ranges + being consistent will yield the results you want - for more in depth guidance get in touch about personalised programming.

Find more at @wildwomen_fitness
Watch on Youtube here.


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